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Ask FGBC #18: Should churches observe holy days?
Ask FGBC #17: What does it mean to repent and believe?
Ask FGBC #16: What is Free Will?
Ask FGBC #15: How can I be a proper steward of my children, and feel confident they are saved?
Ask FGBC #14 - Connecting modern day Israel to Old & New Covenant Promises
Ask FGBC #13 - Is there a difference between our temptations and what Jesus faced
Ask FGBC #12: Can I apply Old Testament promises to my life? Jeremiah 29:11-13
Ask FBGC #11: What will our days in heaven look like?
Ask FGBC #10 - Why should only believers be baptized?
Ask FGBC #9 - How is Jesus the greater fulfillment of the Old Testament Israel?
Ask FGBC - Podcast with Jim Butler, Dr James Renihan, Dr Richard Barcellos
Ask FGBC #8 - How could one man pay for the sins of the world in 18 hours?