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- Create Date June 3, 2022
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What an exciting May in the life of our church, starting with the Supper on the 1st, a baptism, launching the next book study with a live introduction by the author, the successful exam of Ryan Maljaars, wrapping up with his installation as elder and church planter, and a lot more!
In this issue:
- A VOM prayer letter for a Nigerian college student who was brutally killed by a mob due to Whatsapp “blasphemy” comments
- The Centrality of Preaching (pastor Butler)
- The Need for Family Worship (pastor Butler)
- The Pauline Precedent for Churches (pastor Butler)
- Updated prayer requests and announcements
If you’ve missed a previous issue, we have extra copies at the back of the church. Feel free to pass them out to visitors and anyone else you know that might benefit from it. All issues are now available on the freegrace.ca website for you to download, read, print, or share if you like. Head there now to download this May issue! https://www.freegrace.ca/download-category/newsletters/
For the next issue, please send announcement requests and content suggestions to Isaac or Wim at least one week prior to the 1st Sunday of the month.