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- Create Date March 6, 2022
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- Another prayer letter for Leah, a schoolgirl in Nigeria captured by Boko Haram because she would not renounce her faith
- Update, prayer letter, and group photo from Pastor Kirkpatrick in South Surrey
- Next section of catechism questions for your (grand)children to learn
- Isaac unpacks Titus 3, identifies the chronological and trinitarian basis for gospel assurance, and provides practical applications for all of us to maintain good works
- Our bold Prolife liaison, Lynda, shares some encouraging developments in Alberta and Nova Scotia that acknowledge unborn children
- Transcribed clip from the October 21st confession study on God’s Decree (Chap.3) about the problem of hyper-Calvinism. Please explore & share the other clips we’ve uploaded to YouTube & SA
- What is “Easy Believism” vs true faith? – an article from 2020 by Pastor Butler and Isaac
- Announcements – there are new events, so read carefully! The Ladies’ brunch, a psalm+hymn sing March 30th (at the church), and Jubilation Chorus fundraiser for a Word & Deed project in Nigeria (where Leah is) in April
REQUEST: Please support our church and the reach of our ministries by liking/subscribing/following to all of our various social media channels: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. Maybe do it now before you forget 🙂
If you’ve missed a previous issue, we have extra copies at the back of the church. Feel free to pass them out to visitors and anyone else you know that might benefit from it.