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- Create Date May 2, 2022
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Looking back at the ups and downs of April, the upside included a wonderful concert by the new Jubilation Chorus on April 22nd and 23rd (supporting a Word & Deed project) that many of us enjoyed, followed by the return of the luncheon on April 24th.
In this issue:
- A VOM prayer letter – another church, this time in Sri Lanka, was forced to close because of angry mobs and monks
- The Santiagos, a missionary family we support and pray for, are returning to the US after many years in Asia
- The next set of questions & answers from the Baptist Children’s Catechism
- A sermon transcript (video clip is on SA and social media) on the necessity of theology. We need to be growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Theology (the study of our God) should be bread and butter for the believer.
- An explanation on what does “God…. without Passions” mean by pastor Butler
- A quote from Wilhelmus A. Brakel on the offer of salvation to all who hear the gospel.
- A prolife update from Lynda – There are some glimpses of good news here and there, but mostly the pro-death advances are devastating for people of all ages and especially preborn children who have no choice in the matter.
Small request: If you’re on social media, please help the reach of our ministries by liking/subscribing/following our various social media channels: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Maybe do it now before you forget 🙂
If you’ve missed a previous issue, we have extra copies at the back of the church. Feel free to pass them out to visitors and anyone else you know that might benefit from it. All issues are now available on the freegrace.ca website for you to download, read, print, or share if you like. Head there now to download the May issue! https://www.freegrace.ca/download-category/newsletters/