Fall 2017 | Update
Much has happened since our Spring 2017 update — and we give all glory and thanks to the Lord who has enabled us to get much accomplished as we advance with the work connected to the Surrey Reformed Baptist Church Plant (SRBC).
One of the most recent events occurred 12 Sept 2017 when the Bible study & prayer time, held every Tuesday now at 7:30PM, moved location from the Pacific Inn to Rosemary Heights Elementary School.

The photo above shows the first Bible study meeting held at Rosemary Heights, which is ideally situated for ease of accessibility to/from many parts of the BC Lower Mainland.
Below is a partial list of SRBC events and items in past or present motion:
1. Media Committee (MC) formed which met most Wednesdays, prior to the FGBC Bible study & prayer meeting throughout the late spring and summer, now meeting every other Wednesday. The MC is the “engine” behind the scenes “getting the word out” about SRBC.
2. An internal SRBC MC Facebook page formed for discussions and “tasking of what, by whom, by when” so as to “get the word out” in a coordinated, consistent and orderly manner.
3. Name chosen and approved by the elders and deacons: Surrey Reformed Baptist Church or SRBC.
4, SRBC emails re-directed and set up for Mike Kirkpatrick with SRBC Bible study notices now being made and sent out by Mike, our Pastoral Intern.
5. SRBC logo designed and approved.
6. Facebook, Sermon Audio, Instagram, Online Directories, and YouTube harnessed (or in process) to “get the word out” along with work on targeted and sponsored advertising to specific areas and demographics within Surrey.
7. SRBC Bible study notices placed at various community bulletin board locations throughout White Rock/South Surrey.
8. Surrey Leisure Guide, Canada Post and Peace Arch News price/metrics info obtained for future advertising options via print media.
9. Decision approved by elders and deacons to move to Rosemary Heights Elementary school (15516 36 Ave, Surrey, BC V3Z 0J5) this being more cost effective, a far better location, and intended to pave the way for SRBC Sunday meetings anticipated in 2018.
10. Surrey School board approval for SRBC to hold Tuesday and potentially Sunday meetings at Rosemary Heights Elementary school.
11. Surrey School board and FGBC (SRBC) contracts signed and payments made.
12. Road and interior notice signs re-designed + printed for new location at Rosemary Heights.
SRBC Bible Study:
“Who is Jesus?” With that vital question, on 20 June 2017 Mike Kirkpatrick began a series into what God’s Word says about who His eternal Son is. Of course, this is one of the most vital questions to ask for it concerns our souls. If the “object of our faith” is wrong and misguided, our faith is wrong and misguided. What do the Scriptures say? We invited people to come and find out – and to grow in a deeper understanding as we respond to Christ’s question: “Who do you say that I AM?”
With that study concluded, on 12 Sept 2017 Mike began a new series focusing on Salvation and looking at how a person is born again as we focus on the doctrine of Regeneration.
On average, the Bible studies have had about 20 people consistently attending over the summer months and into the Fall 2017. While we don’t look to numbers, but to Christ who is building His Church, we are encouraged!
Please pray for the work
We must have the Lord blessing, guiding and directing according to His Word and Spirit, in our every effort and advancements…
Please continue to pray for Mike as he leads the Bible studies, for a core gathering of people to anchor the work under Christ, and that the new location at Rosemary Heights will be richly blessed with ease of access to a wide corridor. And all this – for God’s glory!
“Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:4-5).
More Info?
If you have any questions or need any information about the Bible study or the desired church plant, please free feel to email Mike Kirkpatrick, the Pastor Intern, at [email protected].
Additionally, you can also find out more by visiting “Surrey” at FreeGrace.ca or take a look at our social media pages (Facebook, YouTube, Instagram) under the name Surrey Reformed Baptist Church.
Everyone welcome!
Every Tuesday 7:30 PM at Rosemary Heights Elementary School for a Reformed Baptist Bible study.